


Distance healing is any form of healing energy "sent" across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.

This type of healing is equally effective as in-person healing because, in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner


So when we talk about distance healing, some alternative energy healers will say that they are "sending" energy across time and space to the recipient, or that the healing energy "travels" through the fiber optics to get to the person on the other end of the phone. But this is again incorrect and these statements only bolster the illusion that time and space are solid and fixed.

In reality, the energy does not "travel" anywhere. It is simply "sent" and received" by intention alone and is instantly "transmitted". As you see even our language is set up to reinforce this belief that time and space are fixed and that objects are separate from one another.

As I write this, I am hard-pressed to find a word that describes how the recipient is instantly affected by the distance healing without using wording and terminology that is limited by our current paradigm of time and space. Nonetheless, if you can understand that from an altered state of perception, one can perceive and experience a different relationship to time and space you will begin to understand how this is possible.


Book An Appointment Today, Select Distance Healing or Call 907-317-1331