The Power of a Fully Focused Massage for Relieving A Feeling of In Balance

A truly focused and present massage goes further than addressing physical discomfort. There are reasons we feel pain and discomfort, and one of those reasons is always – Our Emotions_ To work in a fully focused and present state allows me to hear your body guide me to what it needs. If I am not gentle , then I am presuming I know what your body needs., and how can I know if I don’t listen?

Hearing your body is of upmost importance when asking to help with blocked emotions. The moment ones body relaxes, healing has started.

So Many Different Types Of Massage

There really are many many different techniques, and the best one is the one you are enjoying and feeling worthwhile to YOU. Each therapist will add a little of themselves into how they work, bringing in all the different classes they have taken in order to learn more, believing it will help you, their clientele.

Advantages of Focused Bodywork
⦁ Relieves Muscle Tension and Pain
⦁ Boosts Mood and Alleviates Stress
⦁ Improves Sleep Quality
⦁ Improves Circulation of BLOOD and Lymph
⦁ Advances Mind-Body Connection

Experience the Benefits of Massage

After a very long and snowy winter it is a wonderful way to clear your energy so that you are ready for some hopefully, fun and sunny days. My location is so peaceful, just what you need to dial down any stress you may have. No better way to get away for worldly chaos, your body will thank you.