Reflexology Massage Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
Reflexology is the scientific art of stimulating, sedating, and balancing areas on the human body, known as maps. These maps of the human body are found in the extremities and are treated with specific thumb and finger walking techniques. The intention is to encourage a balanced, restorative result. Reflexology is a natural, complementary health therapy that supports individuals on a holistic basis.
Through these maps, a reflexologist has access to the whole of you, bones, organs, tissue, glands etc., thus allowing work to be done on the innermost of an individual. Reflexology serves to reset and calm jagged nerves, stressed minds, and aching bodies.
As you read on you may be unsure which area of Reflexology you would like. I feel that they are all beneficial and that it is a personal preference, however you can always have a blend of Reflexology , or a blend of Reflexology with a completely different service.
People with poor circulation issues will benefit from Foot Reflexology as it improves blood circulation better than other modalities. If you have an office job and work on the computer all day then you would benefit from some Hand Reflexology to be blended into your session. Facial Reflexology is a beautiful session that is incredibly powerful especially for people with central nervous system and endocrine issues. During Facial Reflexology I incorporate some Reflexology on your ears; this is becoming more popular due to amazing health benefits.

Foot Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
Reflexology is a gentle but powerful form of natural healing. The reflexologist works specific reflex points on the feet to relax and relieve stress and pain in the body using specific thumb, finger, hand, and pressure techniques. There are reflex areas in the feet corresponding to all the parts of the body and meridians that start and end in the feet. By having the whole body represented this way, this method offers a means of treating the whole body and of treating the body as a whole. This latter point is an important factor of natural therapy and allows not only symptoms to be treated but also the causes of symptoms.
Benefits of Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
As reflexology treats the whole person, not just symptoms of illness, most people can benefit from reflexology treatments.
Reflexology is suitable for a wide range of illnesses and conditions, for example:
60 Minutes ........ $120.00
90 Minutes ........ $180.00
120 Minutes ........ $220.00
Hand Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
Hand Reflexology has become more popular recently due to the increase in repetitive stress injuries. The use of smartphones and the significant increase in time spent at computer keyboards has created a whole new generation of people of all ages experiencing hand and finger injury, pain, and discomfort.
Using specific thumb and finger techniques, reflexology manipulates the reflex points on the hands to relax and relieve stress and pain in the body.
Hand Reflexology can be extremely beneficial and pleasant for tired and painful hands. Choose from a 60-minute session devoted to the hand or combine hand reflexology with foot reflexology.
Benefits of Hand Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
Hand Reflexology has been shown to be quite helpful with many conditions, such as:
60 Minutes ........ $120.00
90 Minutes ........ $180.00
120 Minutes ........ $220.00
Facial Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
It is a branch of reflexology that looks to address a person’s well-being by working the reflexes located in the face. There are numerous nerve endings and blood vessels in the face, and the proximity of the face to the brain ensures a fast relay of sensory impulses bringing about a balance in areas of health imbalances such as menopausal issues, migraine, muscle tensions, neuropathy, hormonal imbalances and negative impacts of stress, etc.
An extra benefit of facial reflexology is younger-looking, smooth, glowing skin due to improved blood circulation and the freeing of constrictions and tensions within the muscles and connective tissues of the face. Specific points on the face are stimulated in a therapeutic manner. This helps blood circulation, which in turn improves nerve function, muscle tone, and lymph drainage within the face. Facial reflexology draws upon Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Principles, and South American and Vietnamese Body Maps in addition to modern disciplines such as Neuro-Anatomy, to help the therapist identify imbalances.
Benefits of Facial Reflexology Therapist in Anchorage, Alaska
60 Minutes ........ $120.00
90 Minutes ........ $180.00
120 Minutes ........ $220.00